Yay! Project is on its way to Completion

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I am glad that I am progressing pretty quick this week. I manage to complete my electronic brochures and I can say that I have my 99% of it completed in good and fully functional condition. It is definitely one of the project I am very proud of. Although it requires a lot of effort, I believe it is worth it after all. I'll be re-checking and do final testing this coming weekend as I'll need to have it submitted by Monday. Well, all I can say is everything seems to be so far so good at the moment, Thanked God.

I am also considering if I'll add another feature to my project since it is considered completed before submission. I'll see what I can do on weekend. Nevertheless, I believe that it is a good project as it is at the moment. As for now, I'm off to prepare myself for the SAD exam coming up on Friday. Alright then, I wish everyone else the best of luck in exam and their FYP.

It'll be over before you know it! Cheers =)